Saturday, April 4, 2020

my 2015 Acadia is getting 3 weeks to the gallon.

managed to talk myself into getting back into sorting things over at mom's tonight. I can only do a little bit of that at a time and then I have to walk away from it- Found a photo someone had taken of mom when she was 15 years old and working at Taylor's Ice Cream Parlor in 1942. She was so pretty. Then I found a picture she probably took of ME in a store she was probably shopping in and I couldn't have been more than 5 or 6. You can see all the mixers, and frying pans and appliances on the shelves in the background. My mom did like to shop.

40ยบ in April is a welcome surprise and since I've been more or less put out of business it's probably time to consider the what's next phase. Should I sell a bunch of cameras and assorted gear or leave em to become worthless over the next decade was one of tonight's topics of discussion at the dinner table where I sat alone sawing on my peppercorn steak with a flimsy plastic knife. I came to no definitive conclusions but I did have a nice relaxing talk about it all with the only person I talk to anymore.

Got my will rewritten and ordered some more vacuum cleaner bags and tomorrow I'll venture out and get some new air filters for both houses. I've got another headache that would kill a moose and those are coming back after many years of giving me a break. Think it's stress but oddly enough I have a wad of bananas in there in the washer/dryer room and for some reason the gases that come off banana peel give me headaches that last for days. When I toss the peels out on garbage day, the headaches go away.

" the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.." - Psalm 34:18

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