Monday, April 20, 2020

I will be voting for Biden 2020

A few years ago I was posting on FaceBook almost daily and today I never do except to answer a msg every now and then and allow this blog page to be shared there. FaceBook has become an internet police force disguised as a chat site developed by those who view themselves as tolerant for the purpose of exercising intolerance by regulating thought and limiting expressions of some.

My conclusions have been that FaceBook interactions and those away from a computer are very similar. The clicks are there like in school, the outcasts are there and the experts are all there and accounted for. And just as in my life away from the computer I began culling out the fake friends and well-known frauds as soon as they made themselves known. My friend list went quickly from almost a thousand down to about two or three hundred to keep me from being reminded of all the mistakes I made in judgment over the years. Wasting time with certain types of people since this past November after learning up close just how short life really is would be unthinkable at this point in my life.

My life today consists of working on keeping the promises I made to my mom to settle all the things left unfinished from several lives and nothing else carries weight beyond that. This virus everyone talks about every day is of concern only because of what it's doing to the elderly who are defenseless against it. If I were to get it, oh well, I just hope I'm able to get everything done first. Not working doesn't bother me one bit and the political cancer swirling around all the cable channels I no longer watch and am completely over it. I literally do not care anymore what the outcome is from the direction this society seems to want to go in.   

I'm definitely going to vote but this time it's going to be for a different candidate and for a much different reason. From what I've seen since the election of 2016 I can honestly say for the first time in my life that this society in general, does not deserve the economic boom Trump gave it. There is no doubt in my mind he has the know-how to do it all again and would after this plague we're dealing with is over, but I don't want him to. What this man and his family have had to endure while working twenty hours a day for no pay to smash unemployment numbers of the very people who crucify him, and turn this economy into a rocket ship that is the envy of the world, while having to face a coup attempt by the vilest and most corrupt politicians America has ever seen, no thanks. I will not be voting for this man to have to right this ship for a second time while having to watch him nailed to a cross every day.           

Trump has shamed these professional con-artist politicians in front of God and the world. It's not surprising they wanted him out before he was able to show how easy it was to set this economy on fire by removing the policies they worked decades to force on all of us. You saw the tears and the looks of anguish and desperation at losing control over your money and the government golden goose his election represented. To those of us who knew what Trump's election could do for this economy and the restoration of America's backbone, we howled with laughter at socialist tears and despair and then if we were invested and prepared, we reaped the benefits of having a take no prisoners businessman in the White House. 

Now I've come to the conclusion that this society as I have seen and listened to, do not deserve a second chance for Trump to save this ship when this virus is done and I'm not about to help you with my vote and have to see him go through one more day of a coup attempt by people I wouldn't slow down to avoid running over in the street.

I no longer have to give a rats ass about who is running this country anymore. My finances are secure and my mom is no longer here suffering and needing me to take care of. For a long time, I worried about the future of this country and everyone in it and now that I see the mentality of this society, I feel I wasted all of that time. I am so embarrassed for it to have taken this long for me to end this complete waste of energy worrying about others who clearly have no concern for the country, themselves or me.

You want to test socialism or marxism or a 3rd term of the worst president in American history obama, and the futures of you and your children are of no concern to you, then let's do this. I want Trump to go back to his penthouses with secret service for life and live the billionaire lifestyle he deserves and to stop worrying about those in this society who deserve nothing but the worst liberalism can bring. I will be voting for the democrat nominee whether it's someone who doesn't know where he is and can't tell the difference between his wife and his sister, or maybe a socialist like Bernie, but I will NOT be voting for Donald Trump in November for president I will be voting for the well-deserved education of an economically illiterate republic.

If I were in my 40's I'd be angry as hell, but I'm in my 60's now and financially secure and completely amused at the idea of sitting back and watching how you mindless liberal fools handle what may be coming with the leaders you choose. If we can get a Democrat majority in the House, the Senate, and maybe even the White House, no one will deserve what is coming more than you and I mean that with all sincerity. Thank you, Donald Trump and family, now go back to living the American dream and let's sit back and enjoy the liberal democrat shit show.  


*** I do reserve the right of pure enjoyment watching Trump for as long as he has left, setting liberal heads on fire with signing executive orders like banning ALL immigration to America like just crossed the wires. Tomorrow's White House briefing should be exceptionally enjoyable.   

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