Tuesday, March 17, 2020

saw the apocalypse with my own eyes at the grocery store

people were everywhere pulling things off the shelves and loading their arms with can goods, fruits and vegetables, bread, paper towels and toilet paper. It was like a scene from the actual apocalypse. The tension, the look in people's eyes, it was a madhouse and I was glad I was carrying my concealed handgun. If only President Trump had acted sooner and if there wasn't all the mass confusion and misdirection in the White House like CNN and the NY Times says. Trump when he said we would get through this well we haven't yet, so clearly he is a liar. The end of the world is closer than I thought with Trump being in the White House. If only we had a socialist or a lifetime politician who sometimes doesn't know where he is or whether he's married to his wife or his sister in charge at a time like this we might have a chance but it's a dark time for America and we may not survive.

Well, that is what broadcast media spews at you and your kids and the world and you see how easy it is to take one photo and add a completely made up and falsified script written to alarm and mislead. That empty row of shelves in ONE ROW where lunatics took all the paper towels and toilet paper and it is the ONLY empty row in the entire store. I should have taken photos of the fruits and vegetables piled up as usual, the frozen prepared foods stocked for the most part, the milk aisle full, EVERY other aisle that was mostly full and being re-stocked as I cruised through.

But I took that one shot and then went on my way to get things for me and my elderly neighbor across the street. No fighting, no hysteria, the employees didn't appear stressed and were as friendly as always, I bought frozen dinners, heat and eat meatloaf and potatoes, bananas, apples, carrots, soups, LOTS OF cookies, pizza, bread, chips, sandwich meat, and so on.

The virus is a real deal. It's EXTREMELY dangerous to some more than others and it's so contagious and can live on clothing and surfaces from hours to DAYS. So I'm not making light of it. What I AM doing is showing how easy it is to produce a narrative that is used to ALARM and PANIC and ATTACK. I spent almost 20 years in broadcast media and THIS is how it's done. We are given a preconceived narrative and then our jobs were to go out and find words and pictures to support that narrative. I could talk about this for days and no one other than those who work in the industry prostituting their integrity for a paycheck would believe it.

Thank God we have Trump for a president especially at a time like this. The guy says things I wish he hadn't and then I remember why I voted to hire him and it wasn't his rough personality. The man is crucified every single day being accused of totally made-up bullshit, lies, and slanderous accusations that often are written, produced, and broadcasted to the world as if true over and over and over. Unfortunately, what broadcast media does actually works and the evidence of that spews out of the mouths of millennials and other mind-numbing liberals who protest and sew anarchy based on scripts written by other college indoctrinated loons who just happened to get paid to spew it.

This president works 20 plus hours a day for free to unravel previous messes and create an America for everyone else that gave him so much and for that, he gets crucified daily by those who lost power and want it back. I wouldn't have taken a minute of it before I'd be back in my penthouse living the dream and saying you want to hire a socialist liberal AGAIN to set this country back another 100 years, go ahead, I'll be up here at the top of the world as a billionaire and watch the carnage you voted for.

Check on an elderly family member or neighbor, someone who may be too afraid to venture out to get food. Share some of yours. That older person is going to be you one day and you'd better hope someone gives a damn about you.

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