Sunday, March 29, 2020

saturday night fever..

for what it's worth, last night I get out to go fill up the gas tank with some 1.50 a gallon gas. I turn the corner one block from my house in a nice neighborhood and the street is lined with cars on both sides of the street. I'm guessing 20 to 30 cars. I slowly drove by and saw an open garage jam-packed with people dancing and drinking and laughing it up with kids spilling out and running all around the front yard. I could not believe what I was seeing and I was beyond furious.

I thought about calling the Sheriff and then realized there is no law against stupidity and irresponsibility even at this level. But the rest of you don't live near this house and you don't know these people so no worry right? There were probably about 50 people at this house last night in very close contact with each other and you need to consider this one simple question. Where did all those people who put themselves and others at risk last night, where did they go today and who did they put at risk? The answer is we don't know. We don't know if any of them went to that party infected and didn't know it, and we don't know if some were infected AT the party and went out on Sunday to endanger YOU and we have no idea what they have had their hands on today at the grocery stores, the gas stations or the other places people continue to go. Did you go someplace today? Maybe you stood right next to one of them in line or walked by one who just coughed a plume of the virus in the space you walked through, who knows?

The we don't know far outweighs the what we do know but one of the things we actually do know is that there are people out there all over the place doing exactly the same thing these idiots were doing and that thing is, not giving one single shit about themselves, me, you, or anyone else. This was one house, on one street, and 50 some odd people risking their own health and risking the lives of people they will never even meet. Your parents, grandparents, kids, even you, THIS is how this extremely contagious virus is spreading like a wildfire all over the world.

Some people in our society today are risking the lives of everyone else on a daily basis. Those people need to be dealt with immediately and harshly or they will take this entire society to its knees. I know how I would handle them if I had a say but I don't so... The dangers we face today are now at a level where the open border and political correctness crowd is going to kill many many people. Some will need to be forced to comply with guidelines to keep the rest of us safe and the sooner we begin dealing with them, the better.       

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