Tuesday, March 10, 2020

look on the bright side..

this virus scare may be doing what a lot of people (me) have wanted to see happen for a very long time. Common sense not as common as it once was, may be experiencing a forced but welcome come-back. Think of the ease of life benefits from getting people to stay away from you without having to insult them, ask them to go away, or revealing that you are carrying a weapon. Glad handing professional politicians are now re-thinking the practice of hoodwinking the fools who vote for them out in public where fake "journalists" can record and promote their flawed ideology making it appear these vile thieves have support.

Your fake friends will now have to pretend to have your best interest at heart and then stab you in the back over the phone where you don't have to hold yourself back from letting them know you are on to them then punching them in the throat. No more Jehova Witnesses on your porch to be chased down the driveway with a fully loaded garden hose. Cuddling with your significant other will need to be banned and replaced with romantic video conferencing that can save and extend your relationship till this thing is under control and you can find someone you're more compatible with that doesn't make you want to poke their eyes out with a hammer while they are asleep. 

Shaking hands with people you can't remember while telling them how nice it is to see them again and we have to get lunch soon and catch up, no more of that BS. Hugging people you could never stand the sight of in the first place, preferring instead to trim your toenails with a running self-propelled lawnmower than to ever see them again, no more of that.

As bad as it may seem this virus and how contagious it is, the irony of how it has caused EVERYone now to want to live like I have my entire life, is certainly not lost on me.     

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