Tuesday, February 4, 2020

unhinged - the tale of two Americas

Tonights State of The Union address was a stark reminder that those who scream the loudest about hatred and injustice are themselves the vilest most hate-filled human beings our society has ever unwillingly spawned.

The stark differences in the faces and lack of applause at America's prosperity and success could not have been more telling and I hope all of America was watching. The wretched scowls of hatred and disdain on the faces of liberal democrats, while President Trump talked about how well America is doing, says it all. You have a president, one man, who wants America to be the greatest it has ever been, and you have a group of liberal democrat socialists and communists who will stop at nothing to take power. As the trajectory of America continues to soar, the liberal left becomes more and more unhinged and how anyone could support any democrat after what you saw in them tonight transcends any level of basic human common sense I've ever known anyone to have. 

Pelosi's fidgeting was more entertaining than the cutaway shots of democrats in the audience with their heads on fire. But seeing her rip up the president's speech in disgust was a gift that will continue to give right up to November for people on the fence to separate themselves at the voting booth from the hate-filled radical left who couldn't even applaud at a child getting a scholarship to go to any school her mom wants to see her attend. Forced public school indoctrination is a radical socialist's only hope for getting power in the future and they hate choice for education and but support choice when it means the right to kill a baby in the womb of its mother. 

There could not be a more clear example of the decision to be made in November than watching who celebrated America and who we saw hating it. Lowest unemployment in the history of this country for blacks, women, Hispanics, and no democrat applause. The little girl who wants to go to the school of her choice and not be trapped in a public school system that focusses on indoctrination instead of education, no applause at her getting a scholarship to go to the school of her choice. The visceral contempt liberal democrats have for this country and Americans who reject the socialism and communism they offer was on full display for anyone of any level of intellect who is able to push ideology out of the way of common sense.   

We either give up the prosperity and success this president's policies have ignited or we stop it all and go the way of socialism, communism and the death of our great republic.

I'm not a huge fan of the president's personality traits that has him saying things that sometimes make me cringe but has me laughing out loud at the response to it by liberals. I love America first and I respect an economy that is powered by rocket fuel. Tonight all you needed to see was right there for everyone to see.

I could watch nancy pelosi rip up that speech for hours in the most classless act I've ever seen and love every minute of it. You, Mr. President, have gotten deeply under this witches skin with all your success for all of us the past 3 years and I have to say, sir, well done Mr. President well done. #Bravo! #Bravo! #Bravo!               

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