Monday, November 2, 2020

I'm not voting for biden or Trump

I will stand in line risking what would be a fatal virus if I were to contract it, to vote. My vote will not matter much in the big picture of all things but it was important for me to do. My first election voting without my mom on my arm who would always accompany me and vote in every election. She would have wanted me to do the same now that she is gone and as far as I can tell this could be my last opportunity to exercise this right.    

My vote wasn't for a person or a personality and I did not cast a vote for my own interests, those are already taken care of. My need to take a risk and vote in person was to make certain my vote counted and to make certain my mom who is watching over me from heaven saw that I am still taking her advice. She would always tell me when things seemed dark and bleak, go out, and do something for someone else and you'll feel better and that is what I'll be doing.

I will vote for you. Those I may know, most I do not, some who care, and most who couldn't care any less, I am going to vote for every one of you. My vote is for you and your children and families not to ever endure Marxism or socialism that I have seen first hand in my travels all over the world. I will vote for you to have the right to send your kids to the school of your choice instead of being dictated to by a massive new government ruling over every aspect of your lives. My vote will be to save you from paying more taxes and having your current tax cuts taken away whether you make $25 thousand a year or $400 thousand, I voted for your taxes to be cut again not raised. 

My vote is for people I may never meet who likely have no fundamental idea what exactly they are voting for or against other than I like this guy and I don't like that guy he pisses me off. People who willfully vote against their own best interest over style, I am going to vote for people exactly like you even though I feel you didn't deserve it. This election is about others and not myself. I have all that I need and then some apart from good health and I can't get that back. So my vote won't mean much to those who feel like they are in some sort of a pinball game with no real-life consequences but it's one of those times mom told me to go out and do for someone else and I'm OK if my one vote doesn't mean that none of you will have to watch this once great country go the way of Greece, Venezuela, Cuba, El Salvador and so on, I will vote to help you not have to endure that here in America anyway. 

I did all I could to help you even knowing a lot of you have no history to use to understand why I would vote with you and not myself in mind. The election in my opinion is a foregone conclusion and the only question left is just how far it will all actually go when we make the hard turn towards an America we fought wars to keep out of our borders. 

My hope is that many of you perhaps are young enough to outlive the damage about to be done and my heart goes out to those who are not young and what is coming is the last you will see. My mom would be proud of what I am doing for you and really nothing else matters to me. Good luck everyone. 

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