Wednesday, November 25, 2020

be thankful

This year on the surface, there are fewer things to be thankful for and those few things that are left have taken on a bigger significance in my thoughts. All those I once felt close to seem to be doing well and for that, I am thankful. This week I was able to help someone in need, and for that, I feel blessed. 

It would be easy to feel that life has dealt me some significant shots this past year but I remember what my mom would always tell me and that is, when you feel down and out, get up and go do something for someone else and you'll begin to realize that there are others who have it worse than you and doing what you can to make someone else's life better is what we are meant to be doing. My mom spent her entire life doing this and it actually does work and she was always right about all things that matter. 

While I mourn the loss of my mom I am reminded of the times we laughed and cried and held each other. The dinners we had just us two and our talks about everything. The Christmas one year when she couldn't afford to get me a new bike, so she got me a used one and it was perfect. The time she took me fishing in Oklahoma because that is what a dad would do and there wasn't one in my life. I managed to catch a fish and we took it to the restaurant at the lodge and had him cook it up for us. Maybe I was 9 or 10. When we finished eating that dinner she handed me a 5 dollar bill and told me to go and give it to the chef and to thank him. She was teaching me to be a man and to give to others. She was always thinking of others and 5 bucks was quite a bit for her to give. 

Today there are people who still have their moms and families but who can't go see them this year and I am reminded of that when I start to feel sorry for myself and snap back knowing I am not alone in despair. There is always going to be someone out there who is suffering in ways none of us can understand even if we have had similar circumstances. The depth of pain and sadness in the hearts of others cannot be measured or compared to our own. 

My journey is taking turns I didn't expect and I will do my best to make the best of whatever is meant to be. It is Thanksgiving and then Christmas and I suspect this year the actual meaning of this time of year will be more imprinted in our minds for all sorts of reasons and that is a good thing and I'm thankful for that too. 

I hope everyone will make the best of what they have and share what they can. Our time here in this life is the only thing we have no control over and everything else is how we will measure our worthiness of the time we've been given. God bless all. Be thankful. Share what you can.  

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