I have drawers stuffed with socks and underpants some without holes. When I bought this house it stayed empty for over a year because I just couldn't see myself living in a 3 bedroom when all I needed was one. There is a fancy dining room table and chairs that I paid an embarrassing amount of money for that served as a catch-all for cameras and gear I used to come in from work with but no longer do. I've eaten at that fancy table one time in the 20 plus years I've been in this house. At the same time I got the dining room set I also got this really fancy set of bedroom furniture for the master bedroom that looks really nice and functions as a place to put things on top of so I won't forget what I have or where i put it so I don't order more of them in some late night binge of illogical depression. That's why I have so much crap.
Since mom passed away I have 2 houses fully furnished and more or less I live in 2 rooms of one of them. While I was working I felt like I had to have all the latest technology for all my gear so I have 5 or 6 still cameras with a half dozen lenses, half dozen $600 dollar flash attachments, triggers, strobes and so on. 4 video cameras HD, 4K, and older ones, and today I don't use any of it so they sit and gather dust.
To say that I am drowning in things is an offensive understatement. My personality and extreme lack of patience don't allow me to haggle or negotiate with people so trying to sell things is out of the question. In the past when I've tried to sell things I end up suggesting to potential interested parties with too many questions to go do things to themselves that would be physically impossible.

A "stuff" broker is what I need. Someone to get between me and a buyer for a ton of this stuff and then purge like there was no tomorrow which is entirely possible. Gathering and dragging around all the mounds of crap we accumulate over a lifetime has come to an end with me. What we actually need in comparison to what we collect is a fairly disturbing view of our mental health status when you step back and take it all in.
All I need is a few chickens, a couple pet cows, a dog, a cabin, my guns, and some acreage between me and other humans and not necessarily to protect me, but to protect them.
Great work, thanks.