Friday, October 2, 2020

un-masked anti-social media

I was born in a Navy hospital in Coronado California on Thursday, February 23, 1956, at 8pm. 

On the floor in our tiny little house, I remember watching the first landing on the moon on our black and white tv set. My music consisted mostly of the Beatles, the Monkeys, Rolling Stones and so on and I had their pictures on my wall. Mom worked long hours on dangerous collections work knocking on doors of delinquent accounts to pay the note on our house that was $46 dollars a month. I found the receipts from all those years ago just recently and many other keepsakes from that time. I pounded on a snare drum in my room that my mom bought me and dreamed of becoming a drummer one day but that and other dreams didn't happen. 

Mom even though we were considered poor I guess, somehow always had presents for us under the tree at Christmas time and I can never forget the used bike she got for me that one year when I was hoping for a new one. It was all she could afford and I was disappointed when I saw it cause all the other kids got brand new shiny Schwinn Stingrays with the banana seats, high handlebars, and flared fenders but I did my best not to show my disappointed and pray she never knew. I felt shame over feeling that way for years until I grew up and understood that mom always gave us whatever she could. She worked to provide for her kids and had no help and never asked for any. She lived for almost 93 years and I've found evidence that every generation in our extended family was the recipient of her giving at one time or another over and above whatever her needs and wants might have been.  

God saw to it that for some reason I was the recipient of rock-solid, decent, and moral values from my mother that shaped who I was to become. That time was different and those morals and values have given way to today's vile and evil values and our society suffers for it. While there are still a few who lived during those times back then still trying to cling to our old values, the dark souls of today who are the products of soulless homes full of manufactured rage and hate where character and decency have been replaced with learning how to get, take, and exploit weakness in our society today are shoving them aside.

It was a blessing to have lived through those times with the best of humanity the world will ever know, and a curse witnessing what we have devolved into since. I believe everything has a cycle and nothing happens by chance. The society we are living in today is vile and evil when compared to generations from the past and those of us old enough to remember how it used to be, we're now too old to turn it around. The worst of humanity is no longer a story you read in the paper from far away, it's in your face every day on social media platforms where people waste a lot of their lives.  

All the isms' of today marxism, socialism, communism, were created and manufactured by the blackest hearts and darkest souls seeking control and power. These forces of evil must create or convince in large numbers enough people willing to play the role of the less than, the powerless, and the unable to succeed in life without taking from others by violence and anarchy if necessary. Living life convinced that you are a victim by those who despise you and America has become a massively lucrative business for professional politicians and professional victims who both make a living off the deception and force you to pay for them both. Facebook is a large part of what is making this society sick by showing in real-time just how heartless and empty many souls are today seeking power and control over our lives while censoring your freedom to oppose. 

One man alone, awkward and ill-spoken as he is, cannot stand between where we came from and where we are going without being crucified, crushed, and destroyed as a lesson to others who might dare to oppose the transformation of America from the once greatest, strongest, wealthiest country on earth to just another 3rd world anarchist led shit hole. 

God bless Donald Trump for trying and eternal shame on the rest of us for not supporting him in enough numbers and with the will and tools necessary to put a permanent end to his crucifixion.  

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