Wednesday, November 27, 2024

alone yet grateful

 Thanksgiving and Christmas time while joyous and happy for most is especially hard for some. I am among those who no longer have family available to be with throughout any part of any year. I deal with it by being thankful for the memories I have when things were different, people were different and family was there. 

All of those who held my family together have passed away now and those who are left I'm hoping are having their own get-togethers and making their own memories. This is how life goes it sort of trails off at and near the end. I've managed to sort it out and be alright with it but I know there are some suffering during this stage and I feel for them. 

At some point in this life, I began to realize that no communication from friends, family, and people in general actually is communication, and that is when I started being less affected emotionally by the silence. Thanksgiving for me now that I'm older with health issues, is every day and not just one day. I am grateful for getting another day to listen to the wind in the trees, hear the birds sing, and enjoy the sunshine. And Christmas has a meaning that exceeds what we used to see it as when we were kids so I look forward to it for a different reason now. 

I know that my way of dealing with these things isn't as easy for some as it is for me but I still recommend looking at it all differently and understanding that every day we wake up we are gifted and get another chance to enjoy life as our loved ones who have passed would want us to be doing. So look up and not down if you are alone while others are living the way you once did. They are making memories that you once made that will carry them through times like this and that is a very good thing to see. 

We are never completely alone in this world no matter what we are going through. There is God who is waiting for you to acknowledge him and he will carry the weight you find too much to bear.  




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February 08, 2025

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