Monday, October 25, 2021

Moderna Booster Reaction

For several health related reasons and advice from my Doctors I got jab #1 (no reactions to speak of) in February 2021, jab #2 (some cold related issues but not bad at all) in March, then just this past Saturday the booster. I got all of mine at CVS pharmacy #1 and #2 in Abilene because no appointments locally, then the booster locally.  

Almost all in line for the booster this Saturday were older people with only a couple of exceptions. The pharmacist was the "shooter," and oddly enough he wasn't wearing a mask and wore only one glove which I thought was odd considering all day long for days on end this guy was presented with and being face to face with people some of which had not been vaccinated at all. 

I have zero interest in the debates going on over to get or not to get as I made my own decision for my own reasons and that is that. But I do have a concern over this pharmacist not wearing maximum protection around all these people giving them shots so there's that..

Day of shot, the shot itself was painful going in. He took aim, didn't hold the skin with one hand and just jammed the needle in and yeah, it hurt a bit. He didn't say I should hang for a few minutes to see if I had a reaction I just went to my car and headed home. This was about noon. By 6pm I was not feeling well. By 8pm I was feeling much worse. Body aches all over, chills I was wearing a jacket to keep warm, a headache that would kill a moose, the injection site on my arm felt like I had been hit full swing with a baseball bat and not enough energy to get off the couch. 

Sunday I woke up about 1pm and I felt like I had been slammed into by a train. Haven't felt this bad in years. On a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being the worst, I was 10 plus and wondering if even catching Covid would feel this bad.

That was the worst of it so far at least as today, Monday I feel like my bad number of 10 plus is more like 5 today. Headaches are still there but not as intense and body aches are less with the exception of my back. Maybe the worst is over but we'll have to see. I've done what I can to help prevent myself from getting this China attack on the world that my Doctors say with my ongoing other health issues would probably kill me and that's really all I can do. 

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