Friday, December 11, 2020

my 2020 as a new, old man

2020 came and had me searching for a reason to want to live a life without the only human being who ever stood by me every minute of my life. Then the virus came and the work I used to keep my mind off the loss of my mom came to a halt. This was the year I signed up for Medicare reminding me that the life I've lived as short as it is, is even shorter now. There are sleepless nights and days filled with sadness and despair that have to be managed or they will consume me. Summer came and I learned I had not one, but two serious life-threatening health conditions.     

Not working has taken a mental toll that I wasn't ready for and I ended up selling my broadcast camera that ensures this no work thing won't just be temporary. The America I grew up in is now dead and socialism is in the fast lane of becoming a way of life. The low hanging fruit of small business that half of this country is employed by has been targeted by the democrat elites on the verge of controlling every word, every move, every thought anyone dares try to share. This isn't a script for a Twilight Zone episode, this is 2020. 

January 05, 2021, we will all know just how far this country is going to fall. If at the end of the day of the 5th of January the democrats get control of the Senate, the damage to this country that will ensue will take decades and many generations to recover from if recovery is even possible. On top of everything else that has taken place this year, to know we are that close to losing America for generations to come is impossible to digest. 

For those who have suffered enough already, for those who have lost loved ones that your life can never be the same without, and for those who for one reason or another cannot afford another loss of any kind, may God wrap his arms around you and protect you from further damage. It wouldn't hurt to say prayers for democrats to lose the runoff election races in Georgia on January 05 and for this sick and sad society that allowed us to be this close to the end of the greatest country the world desperately needs to survive. 


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